Out now: February Issue of AD & Biogas News
WELCOME TO THE FOOD WASTE ISSUE OF AD & BIOGAS NEWS The amount of food that we waste as a nation has recently made headline news, highlighting the urgent need to cut down the amount of food we throw away…
WELCOME TO THE FOOD WASTE ISSUE OF AD & BIOGAS NEWS The amount of food that we waste as a nation has recently made headline news, highlighting the urgent need to cut down the amount of food we throw away…
Biogas is not just an excellent source of heat and electricity, upgraded to biomethane it also makes an excellent transport fuel. Biomethane has a similar energy content and chemical composition to natural gas and, according to the Carbon Trust, used…
Injecting biomethane produced through anaerobic digestion into the gas grid has an array of benefits. It is one of the most efficient uses of biogas and reduces our reliance on imported fossil gas, thus contributing to meeting the UK’s renewable…
There have been repeated calls for a climate smart revolution in farming. A report by the Commission on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change published earlier this year suggested that agriculture needs to undergo fundamental changes if we are going to…
WELCOME TO THE AD & BIOGAS INDUSTRY DIRECTORY 2012/13 As you can see from our third edition of the ADBA Members’ Directory, the AD and biogas industry is starting to grow at an impressive rate. For businesses looking to build…
WELCOME TO THE SUSTAINABILITY ISSUE OF AD & BIOGAS NEWS With resource scarcity becoming a significant problem the November issue of AD & Biogas News highlights the growing need for individuals, businesses and nations to be more sustainable and to…