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Odour assessment - Selborne Brickworks anaerobic digestion plant

Resource and Environmental Consultants produced an Odour Assessment to support a detailed planning application submitted by Selborne Brick Company for an anaerobic digestion (AD) plant at the Selborne Brickworks, East Hampshire.


The plant will use 22,000 tonnes of food waste per year to generate biogas for subsequent upgrade to grid specification biomethane before injection into the National Grid. This facility will be one of the first within the UK and will help reduce carbon emissions whilst ensuring the financial viability of a traditional brickworks.

The local authority had significant concerns over potential odour from the plant and had objected to the initial planning application on these grounds. They subsequently requested a detailed assessment of impacts on local residents to address the relevant issues.


Resource and Environmental Consultants used detailed dispersion modelling to represent emissions from the facility and predict likely odour levels near to the site. The specification for a suitable system to control releases to an acceptable level was also determined based on the initial findings of the assessment.

The results of the modelling indicated that the likelihood of complaints as a result of the plant was not significant. Resource and Environmental Consultants subsequently concluded that odour should not be viewed as a constraint to the granting of planning consent.


Following Resource and Environmental Consultants’ involvement in the project, planning permission was granted for the development, securing the future of Selborne Brickworks, as well as contributing to the low carbon economy.

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