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AD making a splash on World Water Day
ADBA and the World Biogas Association (WBA) are joining forces today on World Water Day to highlight the contribution that AD can make to tackling the water crisis in the UK and abroad.
World Water Day, designated in 1993 by the United Nations General Assembly, is marked across the world each year on 22 March. The theme of this year’s World Water Day is the reduction and reuse of waste water. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), launched in 2015, include a target to ensure everyone has access to safe water by 2030, making water a key issue in the fight to eradicate extreme poverty.
AD creates value from waste water and sewage by recycling it into valuable renewable heat and power, low-carbon transport fuel, and organic fertiliser in the form of digestate.
AD professionals working in the waste water and sewage sectors will be able to see first-hand the latest developments in AD technology at UK AD & Biogas and World Biogas Expo 2017, the #1 global tradeshow for biogas, on 5-6 July at the NEC in Birmingham. The show will also be co-located for the first time with the Waste Water and Sewage Treatment (WW&ST) Expo 2017, which has been created to help drive development in the waste water and sewage treatment industry and help professionals navigate the latest policy developments and technical innovations.
Registration for both events is free, and attendees will have direct access to both exhibitions.
WBA President David Newman:
The vast majority of waste water across the globe is currently not treated or reused – this not only pollutes the environment but also means that valuable nutrients and other materials are lost.
Through recycling waste water through AD, we can not only recover the valuable resources locked up within that water but also help to achieve the UN SDG 6 target to halve the proportion of untreated wastewater and increase water recycling and safe reuse.
ADBA Chief Executive Charlotte Morton:
The fact that waste water is the theme of this year’s World Water Day demonstrates its global importance and the huge opportunity that AD represents to recycle sewage whilst improving environmental and human health.
Treating waste water and sewage will be a key theme of this year’s joint ADBA-WBA tradeshow, and the addition of the WW&ST Expo as a co-located show provides a great opportunity to explore the huge potential of this sector across the piece.