The European Commission (EC) will launch a Union Database (UDB) for gaseous fuels, after having…
ADBA regional Operator Meetings, next up: Norfolk and Pershore
Over the next few months ADBA will be running a series of in-person regional operators meetings all over the country, with the next two: Norfolk on 16th November and Worcestershire on 25th November. The purpose of these meeting is to get AD operators together in-person to see a site; network with industry peers; share common problems, experiences and solutions; and speak with the ADBA policy team.
The day will be informal. In addition to the discussions, it will include a site tour — so you can have a look around different processes and equipment — and a free lunch!
If you operate a plant locally and would like to attend please contact josh.henthorne(at) More Operator Meetings in other regions of the UK will be running early next year.