On 23rd January 2025, ADBA submitted its response to UK ETS Scope Expansion: Maritime consultation…
ADBA responds to Scotland’s Draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan
On 10 January 2023, the Scottish government published its Draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan, mapping out the future of Scotland’s energy sector with an ambitious suite of actions for the Scottish government, industry, the energy regulator, and also the UK government. The consultation closed for responses on 9th May 2023.
ADBA policy team responded to this consultation officially on 18 May. The response highlighted the lack of recognition the Scottish government has given the AD and biomethane sector, giving evidence of the potential of the industry to help achieve net zero targets on time.
The draft strategy aims to set out the scale and clarify Scotland’s pathway to transform its energy sector from generation to transport and usage across the board. Through the strategy, the government envision a “flourishing, climate-friendly energy system” that delivers affordable and clean energy supplies for the country’s consumers. Scotland currently has a great track record in renewables, and this plan further sets out clear policy positions and a road map for the Scottish government to take and the UK government to deliver.
On the road to net zero transformation, the draft strategy outlines its plans to review the potential to scale up domestic biomass supply chains, with the support of a Bioenergy Policy Working Group. Moreover, the government aims to develop a strategic framework for the use of finite bio-resources, which will be published in a Bioenergy Action Plan. In addition, the draft strategy highlights the plan to forward an Agricultural Bill to enable the government’s vision for the sector, which is to ensure that Scotland is recognised as a leader in regenerative and sustainable farming. It is planned to build the evidence base for this plan through developing a range of research in areas including the opportunities and risks of developing a Scottish anaerobic digestion market from agricultural wastes to produce biomethane, CO2 and digestate.