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Free operator workshop to help enhance plant performance

On 14th May, ADBA is holding a free operator workshop in partnership with the Environment Agency and National Farmers Union. Operators can register their space by emailing me at Space is limited so please do register as soon as possible to ensure you don't miss out.

The day will provide useful, practical advice on how to improve plant performance, including:

  • Risk management – protect your staff, the environment and commercial assets
  • Monitoring and benchmarking – understand how your plant is performing in relation to the industry average
  • Enhancing performance – how you can get a higher return on investment
  • Compliance – make sure you meet your legal obligations

This is a great opportunity to benefit from free advice and guidance from highly respected industry experts. There will also be a session on how the AD Certification Scheme works and how it can benefit operators who participate.

Timings will be confirmed shortly, but it is planned that the event will run from approx. 10:00am to 16:00, and will include lunch.

It will be held at the Environment Agency's Brampton Office, Bromholme Ln, Brampton, Huntingdon, PE28 4NE.

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