At the end of January, ADBA submitted a response to the DfT call for evidence…
If you were to become the chancellor what would you change and why? See what our speakers said
Ahead of the ADBA National Conference 2013 (3 December, Westminster) we asked our speakers what they would do to further AD if they were chancellor. Here is what they said:
Robert Wilby, Scotia Gas Networks (SGN)
I would make a strong commitment that green incentives are here to stay and that they will be stable. I think there is some reticence to invest in more complex projects because there is risk that by the time the project is complete the incentives will be reduced; installing AD/CHP and gas to grid is probably close to a minimum 18 month project from inception to completion.
Robert is a panellist in the “How will demand for biomethane develop?” break out session at 4pm at the ADBA National Conference 2013.
Michael Chesshire, Evergreen Gas
You will not be surprised to learn that I would like the Chancellor of the Exchequer (as distinct from the German Chancellor as that would be a different story) to recognise the wide benefits of on-farm AD, in particular its GHG mitigation credentials, its contribution to the sustainable intensification of agriculture, and its potential for creating growth in the economy through the creation of jobs. He should therefore protect the level of FiTs for <250kW AD and to introduce a new FiT band for <100kW AD.
Michael is a panellist in the “Can we afford not to recycle nutrients and organic matter?” debate at 11am at the ADBA National Conference 2013.
Pete Pearce, Thames Water
[I would] revisit RHI and ROC replacement to continue/improve incentivisation of renewables generation from AD of sewage sludge.
Pete is chairing the “How will industry growth and changing regulations affect land bank availability?” break out session at 4pm at the ADBA National Conference 2013.
Asif Rehmanwala, Ecotricity
[I would change] the priority of economic policy in line with the importance to the mass public. And ensure that is integral to policy in the key markets.
Asif is speaking about “Perspectives on renewable energies and the cost of energy” at 10.35am at the ADBA National Conference 2013.
Find out more
Please click here to see the full programme and find out more about the ADBA National Conference (3 December, One Great George Street, Westminster).