ADBA National Conference 2024 - Key takeaways By Dr Gareth Mottram, Policy Lead, ADBA On…
January 2021 Tariff Guarantee Deadline
Following recent discussions with BEIS we have raised a few points that they require feedback on ASAP to inform their decision about whether to make changes to the January 2021 Tariff Guarantee deadline.
- Why will people struggle to achieve the current deadline?
- How many plants are struggling to meet this deadline? (Figures will be added together and individual company totals will not be shared).
- What are the issues with the current TG application process that could be amended to smooth the process if a new application were required?
BEIS would also like to understand where sourcing feedstock has become a signifiacnt issue for plants, or whether this is currently a risk, and assess what response would be most helpful in the current situation. They are looking for feedback on the following points.
- Are waste plants currently having issues sourcing their usual feedstock, or alternative waste feedstocks?
- Could waste plants process other feedstocks or is this technically not possible, e.g. maize through a de-packaging unit versus molasses?
If this is not applicable to you directly please send it onto your consultants who assist with the process.
Notably they are aware of current Ofgem payment delays and are trying to ensure this is addressed urgently.
Please get in touch with Sam Hinton regarding feedback to the above points.