At the end of January, ADBA submitted a response to the DfT call for evidence…
Latest Pipeline Data Published
Today we have published the latest data on the UK AD & biogas market in our 'pipeline' spreadsheet. The pipeline will give the best view of the AD industry as it stands and is available for members of ADBA to download and use. It contains the following information for plants which are operational or in planning:
- Type of plant;
- Electrical capacity from CHP plants;
- Biomethane plants and capacity;
- Sector of plants;
- Feedstock use;
- AD plant growth over time;
- Capacity projections.
Head over to our market analysis page where you will be able to download the pipeline. The data is based upon information we receive from members, the news, and official information updated from BEIS.
We encourage members to contact us to add or amend any data in the pipeline. If you spot any errors, please don’t hesitate to contact Emma Thomas (020 3735 8118) or Ollie More (020 3567 0751) to make any amendments.