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MEMBER’S PRESS RELEASE: Installation of first CApure CA70LBG marks significant milestone for Puregas
Today, the installation of our first CApure CA70LBG marked a significant milestone for Puregas Solutions.
The Biogas Upgrading Plant was installed at the Skogn Papermill, Norway in early June.
The plant, which will upgrade up to 3,000Nm3/h of raw biogas, will be part of the largest biogas liquefaction plant in the Nordic Countries producing fuel for public transport vehicles.
Sven Fischer, Key Account Manager for bioLNG at Puregas Solutions, said:
We are extremely proud to be involved in this project. Our unique CApure process is ideally suited to Liquefaction Projects as we are able to reduce the CO2 content of the biomethane to below 50ppm, making liquefaction possible.
The plant will convert the cleaned biogas from fishery waste and residual paper mill slurry into liquid bioLNG fuel.
The project builds on the cooperation between Wärtsilä and Puregas Solutions, delivering turnkey bioLNG plants including additional infrastructure like storage and export facilities.
For further information please contact Sven Fischer (, Key Account Manager for bioLNG.