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ADBA responds to RO announcement
Responding to the DECC announcement that ROCs will remain available to new AD projects below 5 MW,
Charlotte Morton, Chief Executive, ADBA:
ADBA strongly welcomes this announcement, which will give confidence to anaerobic digestion plants which rely on the RO either as their primary support mechanism or as back up to progress.
This sensible decision recognises the huge value which AD can generate for the UK with the right support: tackling climate change, providing economic growth and supporting up to 35,000 jobs.
We are very pleased with the speed at which DECC has responded to industry concerns, and ministers’ recognition of the need for certainty to ensure investment in technologies such as AD.
If you would like to view the original DECC announcement in July proposing the removal of RO support to new AD projects below 5 MW from April 2012 please click here.