At the end of January, ADBA submitted a response to the DfT call for evidence…
Sponsor our first Farmers’ AD pub meetings
This year we’re introducing a new series of regional Farmers’ AD Pub Meetings, offering farmers the opportunity to find out more about AD, access our free Farmers’ Consultancy Service, visit an on-farm AD plant and ask those crucial initial questions. Invite only and free to attend for farmers the meetings will offer you an excellent opportunity to promote your products and services directly to farmers. Marketed by our event partner FM Bioenergy to farmers most likely to build AD plants, the meetings are a unique opportunity to get ahead of your competitors and reach a targeted audience of farmers directly interested in AD. With only one sponsorship package available per meeting, make sure to get in touch and request a sponsorship pack today.
Get in touch
To find out more about sponsoring our farmers’ pub meetings, please contact Jamil or Rachel.