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Threat of enforced residual waste collections deeply disappointing – ADBA, CIWM and Resource Associa

In response to Eric Pickles comments in the press relating to weekly residual waste collections the Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas Association (ADBA), the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM) and the Resource Association have released the following joint statement:

It’s deeply disappointing to see Mr Pickles threatening councils with a centralised system and dictating how they should be collecting waste and resources. This approach doesn’t fit at all with the principle of localism for waste services.


Councils remain able to deliver collection services in line with local requirements. This could include the collection of residual waste one week and recycling the next, or weekly food waste collections alongside fortnightly dry recyclable collections and the evidence that this increases recycling and reduces operational costs is well established. Furthermore, public satisfaction with these services is as high if not higher in most cases as it was under weekly waste collection. As food waste collections are also increasingly introduced, the benefits in terms of waste reduction and energy generation through AD are becoming apparent to local residents.


English local councils in partnership with waste and resources companies and reprocessors of materials are addressing the government’s stated desire for green growth by capturing valuable resources for economic benefit and doing this on an increasingly effective scale. Doing so is popular with their communities and hugely beneficial for local taxpayers. The threat to withhold government grants and to dictate local service provision is hugely unhelpful both to them and their industry partners. The UK needs a Secretary of State who can provide a framework which gives businesses and local authorities the stability to work together and plan effectively, and achieves the greatest possible value from our resources.

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