ADBA submits response to the Integrating Greenhouse Gas Removals in the UK Emissions Trading Scheme…
Welcome to the September issue of AD & Bioresources News and AD & Bioresources International
Following another highly successful UK AD & Biogas 2016 trade show and AD & Biogas Industry Awards (you can read all about the highlights on pp.23-29), ADBA’s AD & Bioresources News magazine returns and is once again packed full of useful industry insight and information.
In my Foreword (p.3), I shine some light on the new government Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and highlight how important it is for us all to continue to campaign for AD support.
Matt’s column (p.4) looks at the challenges the industry has faced over the past year and comments that the “industry’s progress… continued to astound given the challenges involved in developing new sites”. Matt outlines ADBA’s priorities for the year ahead including continuing to lobby politicians, and to support innovation and improvement by connecting industry and academia.
Here's a snapshot of the contents of the latest publication:
- Feature: AD in the water industry: pp.10-14
- Advice Clinic: Feedstock procurement: p.16
- Technology Focus: Odour control: pp.19-21
- Green Gas Trading: p.31
- Members’ News and Views: pp.32-33
- Policy: pp.34-35
- R&I Update: p.36
- Government & Agency News: p.37
- Upcoming Events: p.39
- Membership Matters: pp.40-42
In addition to the printed issue of AD & Bioresources News which you will be receiving by post, our international magazine, AD & Biogas News International (issue 3), is available to view digitally.
AD & Biogas News International highlights just how strong the global presence was at UK AD & Biogas 2016. I believe that by bringing together the international biogas community to share experinces, case studies and knowledge we are demonstrating the scale of the opportunities available in our unique and vibrant industry (p.2). The Best Practice Scheme and ADBA International Market Report (pp.8-9), both launched at the trade show, were certainly strong contributions to this project.
The international magazine includes:
- The view from Argentina: p.3
- The view from South Africa: p.4
- International Policy News: p.4
- International Market Report: pp.8-9
- Global news: pp.10-11
- Feature: Food waste collections around the world: pp.12-13
I hope you find both magazines enjoyable and informative. If you haven’t contributed before and would like to, please turn to page 3 of AD & Bioresources News to see how you can be involved in our upcoming features. As always, if you have any views, comments or suggestions – or would like us to visit your site – please get in touch by email: or phone: +44 (0)203 176 0590.
Kind regards,
Charlotte Morton
Chief Executive