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Ten Tariff Guarantee Notices issued by Ofgem

In last week's update from Ofgem on the Tariff Guarantee application process for the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) five Tariff Guarantee Notice had been issued, but we now know that as of today ten have been issued.   Special update…

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Easy guide to amendments on the RHI

Applicants to the Non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) have an ongoing obligation to notify Ofgem of any amendments to the their accreditation within 28 days. All major changes to accredited installations or the heating system of which it forms part…

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Latest RHI Tariff Guarantee update

Four months ago today the long-awaited reforms to the Renewable Heat Incentive came into force, with the Tariff Guarantee process launching at 10AM the following day. Since the tariff resets and the Tariff Guarantee process came into force Ofgem have…

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Use of estimated data on the RHI limited to 8 times

The RHI pays participants for heat used for eligible purposes with these purposes typically metered and submissions for payment made to Ofgem on a quarterly basis. There is currently a provision within the RHI regulations for estimated data to be…

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Ofgem firm up RHI rules on replacement plant

Following consultation by BEIS last year on replacement plant under the RHI, Ofgem has updated its system to allow this as of 1 October 2018. You can read the government response to the consultation here. The response to the consultation…

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Too hot to handle – Biogas heat and biomethane August RHI figures

Renewable heat generated from biogas and biomethane under the RHI (This blog deals with the non-Tariff Guarantee side of the RHI - for the latest on Tariff Guarantee process, click here) The latest figures from the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) on the Renewable…

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New ADBA Pipeline uploaded – September 2018

The ADBA Pipeline has now been updated and the latest version has been uploaded to the Members’ Area of the website. Please click here to access it (when on the Market Analysis section of the website, click on "Operational & proposed plant data" to…

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