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GGSS deadline extension comes into force !

The UK government has announced key changes to the Green Gas Support Scheme (GGSS) that will provide a significant boost to the anaerobic digestion (AD) industry. On 15th May, the GGSS (Amendment) Regulations 2024 were laid before the Parliament, and…

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GGSS deadline extension coming into force soon!

The Green Gas Support Scheme (Amendment) Regulations 2024 were laid before parliament on 15 May and are expected to come into force on 4 June. From that date, applicants and participants will be able to benefit from the changes to…

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GGSS deadline extended to 31 March 2028

The UK government has announced that it will be extending the Green Gas Support Scheme (GGSS) to 31 March 2028. The current scheme is set to close to new applications on 30 November 2025. The announcement comes ahead of the…

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Ofgem publishes the 2023 GGSS Annual Report

The UK government's Green Gas Support Scheme aims to increase the proportion of green gas in the national gas grid. This scheme provides financial incentives for new anaerobic digestion biomethane plants that can produce renewable 'green gas' from organic waste.…

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ADBA responds to the GGSS Mid-Scheme Review

DESNZ launched the Mid-Scheme Review of the Green Gas Support Scheme (GGSS) on 23 March 2023. The consultation ran for eight weeks, to which ADBA responded officially on 18th May. The Review called for stakeholder views on a number of topics,…

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GGSS Mid-scheme Review: Last chance to have your say

ADBA continues to refine its response to the GGSS Mid-scheme review and have ran a number of stakeholder engagement sessions over the course of the past few weeks, including with the Department for Energy and Net Zero, where members were…

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ADBA calls for information on cost of CHP Conversions

As you are aware, the Green Gas Support Scheme’s Mid-Scheme Review was launched on 23 March with multiple recommendations including a proposal to ‘continue excluding CHP plant conversions to biomethane injection in GGSS criteria’. As our team of analysts prepare…

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