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How long it takes to build an industry

Charlotte and I recently met Matthew Bell, the Chief Executive of the Committee on Climate Change. Derek has also been talking to members of the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee on the impact of government decisions on UK investor…

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ADBA stress the importance of RHI to DECC officials

Yesterday myself and Ollie More met with DECC officials to discuss the future of the RHI. As you will be aware last month we submitted our response to the government’s Spending Review which explained how AD: Provides domestic green gas…

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New R&D funding available

The Bio-based Industries (BBI) Consortium, a public-private partnership led by the European Commission, has announced a further €106m of funding available for research and development in the bioeconomy sector. This is part of the €3.6bn euros to be made available up to…

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ADBA market analysis page update

We have updated our market analysis page. This includes the latest information we held in August on the plants moving through the planning process. This also includes our July market report.  If you have any queries on the page or…

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