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Biomethane in the Future Energy Scenarios for 2019

Earlier today I attended a National Grid workshop to help shape the Future Energy Scenarios for 2019. The Future Energy Scenarios (FES) is an annual publication by National Grid SystemOperator as part of our suite of ‘Future of Energy’ publications. We…

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BEIS launch independent review into the cost of energy

Industrial Strategy, Business and Energy Secretary Greg Clark has announced that an independent review into the cost of energy will be undertaken, led by Professor Dieter Helm CBE. The Secretary of State announced: All homes and businesses rely on an affordable…

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National Grid’s 2017 Future Energy Scenarios

National Grid has today launched their 2017 Future Energy Scenarios (FES). You can access these here. The four scenarios, shown below, are intended to encourage and inform debate, and help drive progress towards a secure, sustainable and affordable energy future. ADBA…

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What the Queen’s Speech means for AD

There were no real surprises in this morning's Queen's Speech but some interesting inclusions/omissions that are likely to affect the UK AD industry over the coming years. What was mentioned: Brexit - Fairly unsurprisingly, securing "the best possible deal" as…

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