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AD – scaling up
Meeting today [12 Dec] at the ADBA National Conference the anaerobic digestion (AD) industry is celebrating growing 441% in the last three years and looking forward to a further 800% growth, cementing its role as a key technology in delivering the UK’s future food and energy security.
Charlotte Morton, ADBA, chief executive said:
Recent weeks have seen the Energy Bill published, the winners of the DCLG weekly collection support scheme announced, generous tax breaks confirmed for shale, a short sighted gas strategy and a clear rift at the heart of the coalition on climate change and energy policy.
Despite this the AD industry is showing what it is already delivering for the UK. While the global economy remains slow to recover, the AD market has exploded contributing to the continued growth seen in the UK green economy reaching 8% of GDP today. AD is central to the circular economy – delivering for the economy, energy and food security, climate change, air quality and biodiversity.
The one-day conference will look at the challenges the industry and its development face as a result of the political and financial climates, what the industry must do to respond to this environment and ensure its successful growth; more information – including the full conference programme – is available here.
For the latest updates on the day of the conference please follow @adbiogas, if you are tweeting about the event please use #ADBANatCon.
If you are a member of the press and would like access to the ADBA National Conference 2012 media centre please contact Rosaline Hulse T: +44 (0) 203 176 5441.