The Anaerobic Digestions and Bioresources Assocaition (ADBA), in collaboration with industry partners, has been actively…
MEMBER’S PRESS RELEASE: Heatcatcher ORC systems to optimise AD plants
Integrating best available ORC technology to convert surplus heat to electricity
Heatcatcher has successfully designed, built and operated waste heat to power projects for the UK’s Energy Intensive Industry sector and now offers its Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) integration expertise to existing On Farm and Food Waste Anaerobic Digestion (AD) plants.
Existing AD Plants are faced with the challenge of finding a use for the surplus heat being rejected from the Combined Heat & Power (CHP) engine. Converting the surplus CHP engine heat not used in the process to electricity with ORC technology is a proven method of boosting electrical output. Alternatively a boost in the plants electrical efficiency could provide cost savings from a reduction in feedstock input.
Darren Bryant CEO of Heatcatcher comments “The ORC technology market is growing rapidly, Heatcatchers expertise in matching the best commercially available ORC for the temperature profile is key to delivering a successful turnkey project with the fastest return on investment.”
Heatcatcher is a new member of ADBA and keen to help members with evaluating the benefits of integrating ORC technology. To discuss the surplus heat you have available please call our Heat Recovery Engineers on 01273 358520 or email us on
This press release is issued by Heatcatcher Ltd. For more information and high resolution images please contact Darren Bryant at or 01273 358520.