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Biogas Briefing 2 – Biomethane and Hydrogen: Two green gases, one future

Biomethane and hydrogen are highly compatible sources of energy – each may be converted to the other using existing technology. Different energy pathways offer important benefits to the UK’s energy network, from reducing the carbon intensity of the grid to balancing the network. If the gas grid does become 100% hydrogen, biomethane can be used to produce carbon negative green hydrogen (particularly if integrated with CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage)).
Considering the UK’s hydrogen industry is in its infancy, there is an opportunity for it to scale up alongside other renewable energies, including AD, wind and solar, to facilitate the transition to and long-term delivery of a net zero energy network.
In this briefing we:
• Crunch the numbers – Map energy pathways including biomethane potential with/without P2G &
green hydrogen potential; decarbonisation potential; cost of energy comparison and much more.
• Look at the available routes to integrate biomethane and hydrogen – Accounting for carbon (applying carbon price to the various energy outcomes) / rewards through RTFO / exploring scales required and AD’s role in energy and industrial clusters.
• Through case studies share first-hand experience from those starting to produce blue/green hydrogen (worldwide), and innovative trials integrating hydrogen and AD systems (worldwide).
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